Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Charming Kitten AKA APT35 activity up rapidly in 2021: Google Issue public warning


It has been reported that the servant group of this corrupt Iranian regime called the Charming Kitten also known as APT35 has steadily increased its cyber attacks this year and increased the complexity of its cyber attacks. Google has now issued a public warning against the group.

Charming Kitten became famous in 2020 for phishing the accounts of US White House staff in the run-up to the 2020 US presidential election and they continued their evil ways in 2021. They Withdraw credentials from a British university called SOAS using a phishing kit and deploying a piece of spyware in mobile app stores that pretend to be VPNs. They also used telegram sendMessage API to find out the IP addresses and whereabouts of victims who clicked on their phishing links, as well as pretending to be staff members at Think20 conventions in Munich and here at home in Italy sending malicious phishing links to innocent victims.

Google have issues public warning of State-Sponsored cyber attacks 

It is worrying trend that Google feels that the threat posed by Charming Kitten is strong enough to issue a public announcement because they feel that the complexity of attacks from this horrific group is increasing. When will this corrupt regime stop trying to turn the lives of others into hell ??? 😡😡

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