It has been reported that Iran airline Mahan Air has be hit by cyberattack. According to news agencies Mahan Air customers received text messages from the hackers who are calling themselves Hooshyarane-Vatan. Mahan Air website was also down during the attack.
I have been following recent cyber attacks against Iranian infrastructure including the fuel hack a few weeks ago and hack on the railway which disrupted departure boards. What is interesting is that these attacks appear to be happening within Iran. The train hack for example was perpetrated by Indra hacking group which experts believe to have been a small hacking group.
The hackers claiming responsibility for this cyber attack claim to be a group acting in response to government abuses of people of Ahvaz and complaints include water misuse, poisoning of livestock and torture of people. Water misuse is a big issue and in fact there are many protests happening at the moment across Iran so this is a big issue.
Hackers are claiming that Mahan Air risk passengers lives by transporting IRGC weapons on their flights. How easy would it be for an accident to happen when transporting such dangerous weapons which we can only speculate about? It has been reported that long ago the US made this accusation however if the hackers are correct it appears to still be happening.
According to Mahan Air the attack has not affected flight schedule and they have thwarted the attack. Mahan Air said they are used to such attacks and have therefore prevented the attack. However Hooshyarane-Vatan continued to post on Twitter and Telegram yesterday after Mahan made their announcement.
I will be continuing looking into this today and tomorrow as it is very interesting to me. The hackers have put many documents online about Mahan Air and time will tell what the fall out of this attack will be.
Funny picture posted by @hooshyaran1
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