Thursday, December 5, 2019

The truth always comes out

Censorship comes in many forms and most recently that includes at the barrel of a gun. I speak of course of the murder in Istanbul of Masoud Molavi on 14 November. Molavi was a complicated person and realised the last two years the work he did in the name of Irans national security was not in service of the Iranian people. He fled to Turkey and founded Black Box on Twitter and Telegram to highlight the illegal activity of the Iranian government. He spoke the truth for the Iranian people and paid the highest price for that.

There is little doubt to me that members of the Iranian State were behind this. Molavi's exposure of malicious cyber activity by the Iranian government was too much but what they still do not understand is that every person killed, or tortured, or imprisoned, just inspires other ordinary Iranians to seek the truth.

Black Box was a brave piece of work, and those who were a part of it will find new places to share truth and knowledge of Iran's oppressive cyber activities.

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