Facebook announced that they have discovered gang of Iranian hackers on their platform who were targeting members of US military. The group has been named as "Tortoiseshell" and previously known for targeting information technology companies in Middle East. In this case Facebook has said that group has "used various malicious tactics to identify its targets and infect their devices with malware to enable espionage".
This is very serious as Facebook has said that this is was a "persistent operation" part of a "cross-platform cyber espionage operation"...how does the Islamic Republic have the money for this?! People are protesting lack of water and internet blackouts across the country and yet they can spend wasteful money on people being sat on social media all day spying on people? Surely they should address their own internal problems before casting an eye overseas?
Read for yourself: https://about.fb.com/news/2021/07/taking-action-against-hackers-in-iran/